About Me

About Me

My name is Denise Marsden and I live in Kent, with my Husband and 5 cats. In 2006 I started my holistic and spiritual journey after suffering several bereavements of close family members in a short space of time. I experienced my first Reiki treatment which literally changed my life. I completed a Bachelor of Science degree in complementary medicine in 2011, but my goal was always to help animals as well as people. After completing my degree I started my Usui Reiki training and became a Reiki Master in 2012. From there I completed Equine Reiki training, Animal Reiki training, Animal Communication and just recently have become a Kundalini Reiki Master. In 2018 our soul cat Wiggly passed and he inspired me to become a Pet Bereavement Counselor. I completed my training and volunteer on the Blue Cross support line. I love meditating, which I do everyday, crystals and taking walks in nature.